Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Concept Declaration

Fantasy: noun; imaginative fiction featuring especially strange and grotesque characters; the free play of creative imagination in the mind. I chose to do the concept of fantasy for many reasons. Has there ever been a time when you’ve just wanted to be in your own world? Some where, were you made up the rules and there was an adventure around every corner? Every one does at one point.
People are amazed by the illogical and the impossible. We’re drawn by curiosity to the things we know the least about, and can not explain. For example, when I was younger, I was afraid of the dark... Ok I’m still afraid, but I always sleep with the light off because that sense of fear has been calmed by logical thinking. I know there can’t be a monster under my bed, or a zombie in my closet, it’s impossible. Just like, defying gravity, casting spells, stopping time, and befriending a talking lion, is impossible. But we dream about the impossible because we are bored of all the things we know in the world we live in. I chose the concept of fantasy to escape this world, if only for a little while. To be able to make my own rules, defy gravity, cast spells, stop time, and befriend a lion. So this way there is an adventure around every corner, through paintings of old and modern artist’s, I can create my own world.

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